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Stay Safe from Drunk Drivers on San Mateo Roads this July 4th Weekend

The Fourth of July is best known for fireworks and barbecues; however, drunk driving has also become an increasingly common fixture of Independence Day and the surrounding week. As July 4 falls in the middle of the week this year, the celebrations are likely to continue throughout the rest of the week, increasing the chances that drunk drivers may be on the road in San Mateo and throughout northern California.

While not everyone will choose to drink and drive this week and increased police patrols will be out in force to cut down on the number of drunk drivers on the road, there will still be many who slip past. To keep you and your family safe from a San Mateo car accident this holiday, practice safe driving and pay close attention to your surroundings, even after July 4 has come and gone.

When out driving, look for the signs of an intoxicated driver so that you can get away from them immediately and report them to police to protect others. Beyond obvious signs such as driving against traffic or off the designated road, drunk drivers will often:

  • Swerve back and forth in their own lanes and into others;
  • Repeatedly make mistakes followed by quick corrections;
  • Over- or understeer during turns;
  • Be involved in near misses with other vehicles;
  • Make continued mistakes while accelerating and braking; and
  • Typically sit leaning forward and close to the front windshield while driving.

Being aware of these signs can keep you and your family safe this holiday week, but it cannot prevent all accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a drunk driver in northern California any day of the year, call Caputo and Van Der Walde – Injury & Accident Attorneys to find out how a San Mateo drunk driving victim lawyer can help you find compensation for your losses. Contact us at (800) 900-0863.